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Watch this video and more on Wild Pilates Online

Gentle Core Reset - no crunches

Core • 16m

Up Next in Core

  • Core Reset

    This class is designed to strengthen the entire core.

    You will feel the burn and combine movements with and without the Pilates ball to really challenge the lower abs, obliques and upper abs.

    This has been my go to core workout that I designed while travelling. I hope you love it!

  • Obliques | Glutes | Lower Abs

    Today we challenge the entire core as well as the glutes. This workout is designed to sculpt and strengthen.

    If you are following the cycle syncing programme this is day 18.

    Optional Pilates ball and small weights for a further challenge.

    New Pilates Core Challenge begins next week February 7...

  • Core Blast with Pilates ball

    This is my new favourite core workout. Designed to use the Pilates ball to further challenge the entire core.

    If you are following the cycle syncing programme this is day 17.

    Come back to this express workout regularly to improve core strength and remember to take it at your own pace.